Animation & Motion Graphics (A.S)
Borough of Manhattan Community College
The Animation and Motion Graphics program provides students with the fundamentals of two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) animation, motion graphics, and special effects for advertising campaigns, video games, movies, and television.
Digital Design & Animation (A.S)
Bronx Community College
Through lectures and studio-based classes the Digital Design and Animation Program provides students with a strong foundation for future occupations in motion graphics, animation, graphic design and/or web design.
Design (B.F.A)
Queens College
Queens College’s Design program combines knowledgeable faculty with industry standard software and the creativity of a studio-based learning environment. Students choose one of three concentrations: Communication Design, Animation & Illustration or Interaction Design.
Computer Graphics & Imaging (B.S)
Lehman College
The Computer Graphics and Imaging program offers courses covering web design, imaging, 3-D modeling, animation, interactivity, and broadcast design, preparing students for careers as well as graduate study in these fields.